Tag Archives: mobile


How you can use social to reach consumers at micro moments

Marketers can use social media to engage users and connect with consumers during brief, yet influential micro moments. Scrolling through Facebook while waiting in line at the grocery store. Looking up anRead More…


Powerball math, Facebook, and how to build a proper social support site

Brands engaging with consumers in customer support forums or on social platforms like Facebook must fact check all content before sharing in order to retain credibility.  We’ve all done it; you seeRead More…


It’s time to make online ads good again; the industry depends on it

What factors play into the quality of a digital ad? How can marketers consistently deliver content that meets today’s standards for good advertising?  Since the dawn of online advertising (somewhere around 1993),Read More…


It’s time to make online ads good again; the industry depends on it

What factors play into the quality of a digital ad? How can marketers consistently deliver content that meets today’s standards for good advertising?  Since the dawn of online advertising (somewhere around 1993),Read More…


Three digital dilemmas that are really opportunities

Marketers can begin to work on solutions to achieve new levels of consumer value, satisfaction, and engagement by addressing these three digital dilemmas. Dilemmas are coupled with resolutions abound this time ofRead More…


Reviving sluggish sales with email personalization

By using personalization in the emails that are sent, retail marketers can grow their consumer base and ultimately increase ecommerce revenue.  It’s interesting to come across prestigious brands with solid revenue streamsRead More…


Four ideas to inspire your next email marketing test

Optimize your email marketing program by testing its functionality with these strategies. Test, test, test – it’s a mantra within the email marketing industry. But often marketers find themselves at a lossRead More…


Has Gen Z killed channel marketing or redefined it?

With the advent of social platforms, apps, and the accepted practice of multichannel publishing that fluidly translates across multiple devices, did Gen Z murder channel marketing – or did they redefine it?Read More…