Tag Archives: ecommerce


Grocery retailers focus on innovation to drive customer experience – new report

Digital innovations to improve not only the online customer experience but also the in-store shopping experience remain central to almost every major grocery retailer’s digital transformation strategy. This is according to ourRead More…


Personalized recommendations aren’t just for the big ecommerce marketers

Amazon is well-known for sending emails just for you. But a business doesn’t have to be Amazon-sized to successfully deploy the same strategy. Do you remember the first time you surfed onRead More…


Brands’ Snapchat handles: ClickZ’s master list

If you want to see a brand’s Snapchat Stories, you have to know exactly what its username is. It’s not always clear, so ClickZ has compiled this list for you.  Seventeen brands withRead More…


Seventeen brands with stellar Snapchat Stories

If you know Snapchat is a valuable marketing tool, but are unsure where to begin, fear not. Here are 17 examples of branded Stories that really nail it. You should be on Snapchat. It’sRead More…