Tag Archives: digital


Creative testing: Why is the control so hard to beat?

30-second summary: Facebook’s split-tests appear to maintain a creative history for the control ad. This gives the control a significant advantage with Impressions Per Thousand (IPM) testing. Facebook can also group variationsRead More…


A requiem for the old marketing rules, may they rest in P’s

30-second summary: Today’s consumers aren’t looking so much for the best combination of quality, features, and price as they are for personalized buying experiences. Multichannel marketing was originally about convenience, but nowRead More…


From omnichannel to optichannel, marketing’s return to rationality

30-second summary: An optichannel mindset takes stock of individual channel performance and then makes optimizations based on customer expectations, personal preferences, and the anticipated return on investment. Optichannel is marketing’s return toRead More…


Five technology + trends changing digital marketing in 2020

30-second summary: Emerging AI developments that boost Google conversion values by 30% or more. Practical video marketing strategies that increase engagement on Amazon, Facebook, and YouTube. The new multi-channel, multi-device approach toRead More…