Tag Archives: AI & Automation


Why aren’t marketers using automation tools to personalize websites?

Why aren’t marketers using automation tools to personalize websites? – ClickZ Author Tom Ryan Date published December 4, 2020 Categories 30-second summary: The most recent London Research and Act-On ‘State of MarketingRead More…


Making every interaction with customers matter

Making every interaction with customers matter – ClickZ Author Nate Skinner Date published July 30, 2020 Categories 30-second summary: Customer experience boils down to making every customer interaction matter, whether those interactionsRead More…


Why brands need to take a strategic approach to personalization

Why brands need to take a strategic approach to personalization – ClickZ Author Jean-René Boidron Date published July 6, 2020 Categories 30-second summary: Whilst personalization can be complex, consumers respond positively toRead More…


Personalization is critical during times of rapid change

Personalization is critical during times of rapid change – ClickZ Author Drew Burns Date published June 26, 2020 Categories 30-second summary: Regardless of industry, customer experience is at the crux of personalization,Read More…


The use of AI for retail players can be a decisive factor in their business recovery

The use of AI for retail players can be a decisive factor in their business recovery – ClickZ Author Olivier Marc Date published June 24, 2020 Categories 30-second summary: Marketing is likelyRead More…