Ever wondered why some brands’ multichannel marketing campaigns are more successful than others? And why some brands just seem to irritate more than communicate?
We’ve got one word for you: relevance.
The importance of relevance cannot be underestimated. Yes, it is now easier than ever before to talk to customers and prospects over a multitude of channels at any time.
But it is also easy to overwhelm them with these communications, and as a result it is becoming harder to be relevant.
Why does this matter? 64% of the instances when customers switch from one brand to another is driven by a lack of relevance. On the other hand, brands that embrace this shift have seen revenue grow 3x faster than the S&P 500.
It’s time for more brands to take advantage of the huge opportunity that relevant consumer messaging is presenting. Brands that don’t risk losing customers. Ones that do, stand to improve key metrics across the board significantly.
We’re excited to share some important tips that will help you be more relevant, and as a result more successful in creating the most relevant digital experiences that respond to the live behaviors of your customers.
Content produced in collaboration with Swrve.
7 tips for multichannel marketing success
1. Build the perfect audiences
Relevance starts with who you target. Sending the same message to everyone is rarely, if ever, a good idea. But communicating with consumers in a way that feels personal, and actually influences them, is no mean feat. It requires knowledge of your audience beyond the simplistic.
This involves harnessing the huge amount of behavioral data across your systems to build audiences that are much richer and more meaningful than you’ve ever been able to before. Think carefully about what you want to achieve, and then who you (Read more...) to communicate with in order to achieve it. This will help you build the logic to micro-target relevant messages to consumers.
2. Test what works best
In this world of real-time customer experiences, testing helps make sure you put the best possible foot forward, and gives you the best chance of being relevant. Guesswork is both a waste of time and energy, and an easy way to ensure your interactions aren’t as effective as they should be. Instead, let user data decide definitively which campaigns will deliver the most for your brand.
3. Get off to a good start
Making a good first impression is crucial in most aspects of life, and this is no different when it comes to your campaigns.
For apps, it’s also vital to manage permission opt-ins, particularly for push notifications and location tracking. If you fail to do this effectively then you risk damaging the relevance of your customer messaging.
4. Focus on what really matters
Every business has KPIs, and ultimately those KPIs add up to revenue. That’s why focusing on conversions is a great place to start.
Using behavioral data to target users with communications that you know they have shown an interest in will significantly drive revenue. Even moving the number of non-payers into payers by a small percentage will make a huge difference to your bottom line. This is huge for any brand.
5. Don’t focus on what doesn’t matter!
It’s important to make sure you measure your multi-channel campaigns in the right way, and consider the effect they have on your business as a whole. Take a step back and take a look at results from a global level, instead of being laser focused on something that may not be as important as it seems. For instance click-thru rates!
6. Campaigns that work together
One campaign on its own can be effective, but when two or more work together – they deliver even greater results. As users move seamlessly from desktop to mobile, to smart watch and TV, interactions with your brand must do the same.
That is why it is critical to consider the effect that any one campaign may have on others around it, and to build campaign flows around the user. It’s also important to remember that users are unique. Rather than force them through predefined static ‘customer journeys’, deliver dynamic real-time relevance at the right time to each individual.
7. Do it at the right time
If you don’t get the timing right, then you’re not being relevant. The ‘right’ time can take many forms: a message triggered by a consumer’s action (or lack of) within the app, such as an abandoned flight search; or triggered by entering a certain physical location, like a rival supermarket store. Triggers take away the feeling of being randomly targeted or spammed, and consumers are twice as likely to engage as a result.
If the message is targeted, rather than triggered, behavioral data can decide when is the optimal time to deliver a message to individual consumers, with the least likelihood of interrupting them, and the most chance of being relevant.
Want to learn more?
For a more in-depth look at how you can create long-term returns from your marketing campaigns, download the white paper, “Campaign Best Practices: 7 Habits for Long-Term Returns“, where all the above tips are examined in much more detail.